C# - 呼叫上傳檔案API名含中文時的處理 & 計算檔案hash值需注意Stream需先歸零
最近在開發上傳檔案API, 遇到呼叫端送來的檔案名稱變成亂碼,一查之下,發現原因是:
- the 'filename' parameter should be encoded on the wire. Non-ASCII characters should not be directly used; rather, they should be encoded in some manner
- Directly using Chinese characters (which are non-ASCII) doesn't map to the RFC definition.
解決方式: (取自: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/22996)
"no one" seems to be following the RFC's thou:-)
Here is a hack:
var hackedFileName = new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("新建文本文档.txt").Select(b => (char)b).ToArray());
streamContent2.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"form-data; name=\"files\"; filename=\"{hackedFileName}\"");
另外, 開發時也遇到要比對檔案hash值, 在用sha256算出hash值之前, 記得將stream先歸零(倒帶)好,再計算,才能得到準確的結果:
MemoryStream.Position = 0;
因我能直接取到Stream,所以直接用MemoryStream做, 其實道理在FileStream也是相同的:
FileStream.Position = 0;